Check your safeguarding knowledge by reading the scenario below and then answering the questions that follow.  You'll find the answers at the bottom of the page.

Maggie is 85 years old and living independently in her own home. She is healthy and well but suffers from moderate arthritis. Maggie is kind, thoughtful, alert and great company.  She is a regular Re-engage tea party guest.

Recently, Maggie’s tea party group have noticed she has become quieter.  She sometimes gets confused, and occasionally angry, which is out of her character.

One day when Katie, a volunteer driver for Maggie’s tea party group, was driving her back home from a tea party, Maggie started talking about acquaintances who pay her regular visits.  Maggie enjoys the visits and the company. But they always ask for money which isn’t paid back. Or they tell her that she has agreed to contribute money to something and make her feel guilty for not remembering about it. This makes Maggie upset, and she feels she is being taken advantage of. Moreover, as Maggie is a very organised person, she feels bad about herself because she’s lost the track of how much money she’s given them so far.

1. What is described in this scenario?

a. A normal conversation between an older person and a volunteer driver

b. An adult safeguarding concern

c. An adult safeguarding incident

2. Would this possibly be a case of abuse?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

3. What can Katie do in this situation? (More than one option may apply)

a. Try to distract Maggie so that she won’t think about her problems

b. Listen carefully and stay calm without asking leading questions

c. Promise the information will be kept as a secret

d. Report her concerns to her group coordinator on the same day

For further information you can refer to our Introduction to safeguarding training on our website. 


  • Q1. The correct answer is b. This is an example of an adult safeguarding concern. A concern is a feeling or worry about a child or adult’s wellbeing or safety - that they may be at risk of harm or may have been harmed. 
  • Q2. The correct answer is a. Maggie could be experiencing financial abuse (constantly being asked for money and never being paid back). She could also be experiencing psychological abuse (by being made to feel guilty and feeling bad about herself). 
  • Q3. The correct answers are b and d. Remember listen, record, report. Katie should stay calm and listen carefully, without asking leading questions and shouldn’t promise that the conversation will be kept a secret. On the same day, she should report her concerns to her group coordinator. Any information being passed on to the group coordinator should be factual.  

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