These email signatures are for Re-engage volunteers to use if they wish. You can find guidance on how to add a signature to your emails in Outlook below, or you can simply paste one into the end of your email.

We do ask that you don't add the Re-engage logo to your emails. As with most organisations, we have tight parameters about how the logo can be used to make sure the strength of our brand is maintained.

Instructions for adding a Re-engage volunteer email signature to an Outlook email account

These instructions might look a little tricky, but they are simple to follow:

  1. Choose the email signature that you want to use and download and copy (press Ctrl C).
  2. Open a new email.
  3. Click on ‘signature’ in the bar at the top of your email and then select ‘signatures’ from the drop-down.
  4. Select ‘new’ to create a new signature and name it ‘Re-engage signature’.
  5. Paste the signature into the box (Ctrl V).
  6. Click ‘ok’.
  7. Click on ‘signature’ again and under ‘choose default signature’ on the top right, select your ‘Re-engage signature’ from the drop-down for both new messages and replies / forwards.
  8. Click ‘ok’.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630