Example text you can use for a blog / email / news story

Tackling loneliness one cup of tea at a time 

National charity Re-engage is inviting anyone aged 75 and over who is lonely, isolated or in need of companionship in ****** to join its free tea parties and enjoy regular afternoons of cake, conversation and a change of scenery.

Re-engage is dedicated to tackling loneliness and isolation among older people and holds monthly tea parties on a Sunday across the UK, and is looking forward to expanding the initiative in *******

The charity arranges free transport so guests are picked up from their home and taken to and from tea parties.

Kitty Blackwell, director of fundraising and communications, said: “We know that older people are vulnerable to loneliness and we are committed to tackling this problem through our tea parties. These regular social gatherings can help bring generations together, provide a support network and vitally, give you something to look forward to each month.”

Example quote but feel free to add one from your own group: Rachel, 95, said: “The tea-parties are a godsend and give you something to put in your calendar. It is so lovely to get out of the house and meet other people instead of sitting at home on your own. We are so lucky to have such kind, caring volunteers. The teas are the most wonderful events, with delicious food and lovely company.”

If you are interested in joining a tea party, or if you know someone aged 75 and over who is lonely, isolated or in need of companionship in the ****** area who could benefit from coming along to a tea party, call 0800 716 543 (freephone) or email info@reengage.org.uk. Alternatively, you can sign up to join a tea party here. (link to Tea Parties for Older People: Companionship & Friendship Clubs (reengage.org.uk))

Example social media posts

Facebook (older people)

Would you like to join our free monthly tea parties for older people? If you’re 75 or over, we’d love to host you at these fun social groups where you can enjoy chats and laughter with new friends – plus tea and cake, of course! Find out more about our @reengageuk tea parties and apply here: https://www.reengage.org.uk/join-a-group/tea-parties/.

Twitter (older people)

Would you like to join our free monthly @reengageuk tea parties for older people? If you’re 75 or over, we’d love to host you at these fun social groups where you can enjoy chats and laughter with new friends, plus tea and cake! Find out more and apply: https://bit.ly/3JtrGbz.

Facebook (referrers)

Do you know someone 75 or over who might be lonely, isolated or in need of companionship and would enjoy free monthly tea parties? We’d love them to join us and make some new friendships, while enjoying great food and a welcome change of scenery. You can refer someone you know to our @reengageuk tea parties here: https://www.reengage.org.uk/join-a-group/tea-parties/.

Twitter (referrers)

Do you know someone 75+ who might be isolated and would enjoy free monthly tea parties? We’d love them to join us and make new friendships, while enjoying great food and a welcome change of scenery. Refer someone you know to our @reengageuk tea party here: https://bit.ly/3JtrGbz.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630