Environment and sustainability policy

Introduction – our commitment

We recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond our legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to minimising our environmental impact, lowering our carbon footprint, and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our organisational strategy and operating methods.

We also recognise that our beneficiaries are some of the oldest members of our community, and there may be requirements to engage with them using more traditional methods of communication. Therefore, this policy will aim to strike a healthy balance while maximising our environmental efforts in the areas we have most control.

Why we have a policy

We have developed this policy to identify practical guidelines that we can follow to help achieve our goals and honour our commitment to the environment whilst honouring our commitment to our beneficiaries.


This procedure applies to everyone who works for and volunteers with Re-engage. This means employees, trustees, volunteers, agency workers, interns, suppliers, contractors, and business partners.


The CEO is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.  However, all employees are responsible for ensuring that they actively promote the aims and objectives of this policy, and we encourage environmentally positive behaviours regardless of location.

Monitoring and improvement

We will:

  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements (for example, WEE Regulations – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
  • Actively work to increase awareness of environmental issues, and engagement in environmental projects wherever possible and practical.
  • Continually monitor and strive to improve our environmental impact, particularly in the following key areas:

Business travel (refer to expenses policy)

  • When arranging face-to-face meetings, choose locations close to public transport venues (for example, train stations, to allow for easier use of public transport where possible).
  • Offer a cycle mileage allowance (HMRC rate currently 20p per mile).
  • Actively promote a hierarchy of travel options: walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing / pooling.
  • Actively promote the effective use of MS Teams and / or Zoom.

Resources and equipment

  • Utilise, and promote the use of, recycled materials whenever possible.
  • Ensure that we dispose of materials in an environmentally safe manner at the end of their useful life (for example, toner cartridges, wastepaper, shredding).
  • Actively promote electronic information dissemination / reference to avoid printing wherever possible (for example, adding ‘think – do you need to print this’ on email disclaimer).
  • Purchase electrical equipment with an environmentally friendly energy rating whilst ensuring it is fit for purpose and has a useful economic life that is beneficial to the charity.
  • Switch off units not in use. Adopting an ‘only turn on when using’ approach to equipment.
  • Ensure that materials are disposed of in an environmentally safe manner, recycling where possible. This also includes disposing of office equipment in line with legal and environmental requirements (for example, WEEE regulations).
  • Promote the use of a central printing system (for example, DocMail) for documents where there is a business need and requirement to use postal services ensuring best value, economies of scale and on-brand communications.
  • Promote a ‘paperless office’ approach across the charity.

Suppliers, contractors, and business partners

  • Review our current suppliers, contractors, and business partners, where relevant, to make clear our organisational commitment to using the most sustainable providers possible and changing suppliers where we feel this is appropriate.
  • Undertake due diligence on potential suppliers, contractors and business partners ensuring their environmental policies align with those of Re-engage.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630